We explain why speed is good for the Business Warehouse.
Ordinary databses require complex solutions to get to required speed. This leads to the following drawbacks:
With higher performance SparrowBI increases the end-user acceptance and the spread of SAP Business Warehouse based solutions. Special additional modelling due to performance problems is not necessary anymore.
SparrowBI accelerates queries. Thereby existing reports lead faster to a result. Dashboards react more fluently. No technical Tricks are necessary. This increses acceptance with the users and helps to spread valuable information deeper into the enterprise.
SparrowBI reduces the runtime of queries. This is particularly the case for long running queries. An example query on cube-data containing around 130mio. rows or 15GB data takes on a bare SAP BW system around 15min. deutlich bei Langläufern. Eine beispielhafte Abfrage auf einem Cube mit The same query executed in the same BW system with underlying SparrowBI returns a result to the user already after 15sek.
Users waiting for results cost money. By increasing query performance this expenses get reduced directly. Within a typical BW system we recorded the daily query runtimes, grouped and summed by their duration. The diagram shows, that especially there is considerable potential for savings for long running queries. This potential can be leveraged by using SparrowBI.
By increased performance SparrowBI makes aggregates obsolete. It provides the foundation for a more stable and faster Change-Run. Thereby manual maintenance get avoided and operational expenses are reduced.
Within the socalled Change-Run SAP BW updates it's data on a regular basis. This data stems from the ERP or other systems. Concerning master data and facts this process usualy takes several hours. A majority of this time is spent in the Change-Run, which adapts aggregates to changed master data. With SparrowBI aggregates are eradicated. Therefor the runtime of the Change-Run gets reduced dramatically.
The reduction of the time necessary for the Change-Run enables the BW team to act more freely. It can react faster on change requests. But more imporant, premature cancellation of the runs due to locking of the cubes during the processing gets avoided. Manual rescheduling and restart is omitted. The users always work with recent data.
Gain the full power of SparrowBI with virtual cubes: When queries are handled by the Nearline Interface the joins with masterdata are done in the SAP OLAP processor. This can be very slow. With virtual cubes SparrowBI can handle this join internally and therefore do this job much more performant.
If you have important queries, you can mark them for pre-calculation. We will pre-calculate this results and keep them up-to-date whenever the underlying data changes. This is especially interesting for dashboarding when instantanious feedback is important for user experience.